March 9, 2022

BONUS! The Real Story Behind "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"

BONUS! The Real Story Behind

In this bonus episode, join Collier Landry and Dep Kirkland for an hour-long conversation explaining in detail the case that influenced the book turned film "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil."

Dep Kirkland is a former assistant prosecutor in one of the most notorious murder trials in Savannah, GA history. The murder of "grifter" Danny Hansford by well-known yet mercurial antique dealer Jim Williams shook up the sleepy Southern town, spawning a book and feature film.

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AFTER THE EPISODE LIVE Q&A with host Collier Landry!

TUESDAY'S 11 am PT/2 pm ET on IG LIVE @collierlandry


Moving Past Murder is passionate about examining not only the collateral damage of violence and its traumatic repercussions but the beauty of human strength and resilience through seemingly insurmountable odds. 

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*This podcast contains colorful language that some of our listeners might consider NSFW...even when working from home.

AFTER THE EPISODE LIVE Q&A with host Collier Landry!

TUESDAY'S 11 am PT/2 pm ET on IG LIVE @collierlandry


Moving Past Murder is passionate about examining not only the collateral damage of violence and its traumatic repercussions but the beauty of human strength and resilience through seemingly insurmountable odds. 

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Dep Kirkland:

Well, you know, I get called in the middle of the night, four o'clock

Dep Kirkland:

in the morning to go to, uh, come down here for a minute who knew it was going to

Dep Kirkland:

turn into this and who knew it was going to turn into this tourist tsunami and it's

Dep Kirkland:

in the Gulf, Savannah still to this day.

Dep Kirkland:

People still go to that house.

Dep Kirkland:

That's the money continued today in the most notorious criminal trial

Dep Kirkland:

in Richland county history, Dr.

Dep Kirkland:

John Boyle is accused of killing his wife, Maureen and burying

Dep Kirkland:

her body in the basement of his new home in Erie, Pennsylvania.

Dep Kirkland:

The 12 year old son lively took the stand and I heard a scream.

Dep Kirkland:

I heard this loud where the jury find the

Collier Landry:

defendant and guilty.

Collier Landry:

When I was 12 years old, my testimony sent my father to

Collier Landry:

prison for murdering my mother.

Collier Landry:

This podcast serves as a type of therapy and reconciliation for

Collier Landry:

myself, and it is my hope that it helps anyone who has experienced

Collier Landry:

deception, betrayal, and dark trial.

Collier Landry:

I'm calling your Landry and this is moving past.

Collier Landry:

Hey movers, what's going on?

Collier Landry:

I'm calling your Landry and this is moving password.

Collier Landry:

I just want to say, it's been really cool getting to know a lot of you during my

Collier Landry:

IgE lives, which I have every Tuesday at 11:00 AM Pacific 2:00 PM Eastern time on

Collier Landry:

my Instagram channel, which is at Collier Landry, which should be like right there.

Collier Landry:

And I love just getting to know you guys and getting you guys ask me questions.

Collier Landry:

You asked me questions about my story, about my life.

Collier Landry:

I can ask you questions.

Collier Landry:

And so I want to thank you guys for tuning in, and if you watching this on

Collier Landry:

YouTube, please like, and subscribe.

Collier Landry:

I really appreciate it.

Collier Landry:

It helps with the algorithm.

Collier Landry:

You guys know the drill.

Collier Landry:

Thank you very much.

Collier Landry:

My guest today is a gentleman named Deb Kirkland.

Collier Landry:

DEP was the assistant D one of the assistant DA's in a case, this

Collier Landry:

case came to national prominence through a film that was directed

Collier Landry:

by the amazing Clint Eastwood.

Collier Landry:

It was called midnight in the garden of good and evil.

Collier Landry:

There were three mistrials, I believe.

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

Um, and then I think the fourth ended in a conviction.

Collier Landry:

You will get to hear a depth, explain the case and his role in it more.

Collier Landry:

It'll be very raw and unedited here to discuss all the wonderful games that

Collier Landry:

lawyers play is my guest, Deb Kirkland.

Collier Landry:

So Deb, thank you so much for being with us today.

Collier Landry:

Now you cross our paths because you are getting out of the lawyer games

Collier Landry:

and jumping into the Hollywood games.

Dep Kirkland:

That's right.

Dep Kirkland:

I don't know which is worse.

Dep Kirkland:

Oh, I mean better.

Dep Kirkland:

Excuse me.

Dep Kirkland:


Collier Landry:

I would, I would concur with that statement.

Collier Landry:

I think they both have sharks and cesspools.

Collier Landry:

Just take your pick, take your pick, which a group of bottom feeders

Collier Landry:

you might want to be a part of.

Collier Landry:

Now you wrote this book, a lawyer games after midnight in the garden of

Collier Landry:

good and evil, which we've all seen.

Collier Landry:

I believe the movie came out in late, late 1990s, early two thousands.

Collier Landry:

Kevin Spacey, who is now a Hollywood pariah and Jude law, I believe

Collier Landry:

was directed by Clint Eastwood.

Collier Landry:

I think Alison Eastwood is in it.

Collier Landry:

Ladies Chablis makes it up, makes an appearance.

Collier Landry:

Uh, but why don't you tell us a little bit about the book and

Collier Landry:

sort of your, your background?

Dep Kirkland:

Well, I actually started out, uh, I'm originally from Savannah

Dep Kirkland:

the, by Pamela there now in years, but I was originally from there.

Dep Kirkland:

I started out as a young whippersnapper lawyer and went to the DA's office.

Dep Kirkland:

I did misdemeanor cases like everybody else.

Dep Kirkland:

And then I left and went out into private practice.

Dep Kirkland:

And then I went back to the DA's office sometime later as the chief, deputy chief,

Dep Kirkland:

uh, chief assistant district judge da.

Dep Kirkland:

And I basically ran the trial teams and this and that and tried capital

Dep Kirkland:

cases and all of that sort of thing.

Dep Kirkland:

During the course of that phase, my career, this case occurred.

Dep Kirkland:

So, um, interestingly enough, I lived in, uh, in historic Savannah

Dep Kirkland:

downtown in a place called trustees gardens, very nice little townhouse.

Dep Kirkland:

And about three in the morning, one morning, I get a call from a detective

Dep Kirkland:

with the Savannah police department who told me that they were at a murder

Dep Kirkland:

scene or they were at the scene of a killing let's put it that way.

Dep Kirkland:

And they wanted me to come over, which is a little unusual today, I think, in

Dep Kirkland:

a larger, for a larger municipalities LA, for example, where you guys are,

Dep Kirkland:

they do have teams that go out to scenes from the DA's office, because they want

Dep Kirkland:

them there in case they have search issues or questions or that sort of

Dep Kirkland:

thing that was not done much back then.

Dep Kirkland:

Uh, and the fact was they couldn't find the da, not, I shouldn't, I have not

Dep Kirkland:

slandering his name and he, I guess he didn't answer the phone and I did.

Dep Kirkland:

So I was, I was.

Dep Kirkland:

Um, and this was a homicide detective.

Dep Kirkland:

So I went to this house.

Dep Kirkland:

The house is a well-known in Savannah now because of this midnight phenomenon

Dep Kirkland:

that has swept through Savannah people, tourism, there is insane.

Dep Kirkland:

I don't know how many millions of people go to Savannah every year.

Dep Kirkland:

It started actually with the book and the movie about midnight,

Dep Kirkland:

this murder, because it involved a very wealthy, uh, antique dealer.

Dep Kirkland:

One of the most prominent people in the city who lived in a mansion

Dep Kirkland:

on a, on a square in Savannah.

Dep Kirkland:

Uh, so of course, when I was told where I'm going, like, oh yeah, it's the,

Dep Kirkland:

it's the old Mercer house on the square and Savannah and I lived downtown.

Dep Kirkland:

So it took me two minutes to get there.

Dep Kirkland:

So I went to the scene.

Dep Kirkland:

Um, I go, I went in the house and interestingly enough, There were, uh,

Dep Kirkland:

there was a, uh, fellow in, uh, in his, I guess I know in that, you know,

Dep Kirkland:

those houses, uh, the parlor of the mansion sitting with his two lawyers

Dep Kirkland:

who were already on the scene, which is interesting, which I'll get to and in

Dep Kirkland:

a room on a study to the one side they lead me in, I met the D uh, I met the,

Dep Kirkland:

uh, two homicide detectives there and we go in the room and the body is still

Dep Kirkland:

on the floor fellow named Danny hands for a young man, 19 years of age, face

Dep Kirkland:

down on the floor, three bullet holes.

Dep Kirkland:

And they tell me that the gentleman, James Williams, who own

Dep Kirkland:

the house and was sitting in the borrower, had shot the young man.

Dep Kirkland:

And he claimed that it was self-defense because he said that he had been

Dep Kirkland:

attacked with another pistol.

Dep Kirkland:

Now, the interesting thing is right off is the two pistols involved in this case.

Dep Kirkland:

We're two world war II, vintage German, Lugers, not a lot of people that have

Dep Kirkland:

those hanging around their house.

Dep Kirkland:

He didn't know too.

Dep Kirkland:

He had more than two.

Dep Kirkland:

So I was told, I said, well, why don't you, why do you need me?

Dep Kirkland:

They said, because this something doesn't look right.

Dep Kirkland:

Something smells.

Dep Kirkland:

And we thought because of who he is, and I knew it, wasn't lawyers.

Dep Kirkland:

I said, tell him, hi, Bob, how you doing?

Dep Kirkland:

I see these guys in there.

Dep Kirkland:

So we decided to call you just to get a second opinion, because this could be big.

Dep Kirkland:

So I go in, I look, I look around and I said, you're right.

Dep Kirkland:

This doesn't make sense.

Dep Kirkland:

And I could explain some of it, I guess I don't want to get too much

Dep Kirkland:

into the details, but there were facets of that scene aspects of

Dep Kirkland:

that scene that no, no, no, no, no.

Dep Kirkland:

The most, the most telling part.

Dep Kirkland:

Was that there was a chair, an antique heavy wooden chair, curved back.

Dep Kirkland:

And that chair was about halfway up the backside of this, of this young

Dep Kirkland:

man, the back leg of the chair had his pants leg pinned underneath it,

Dep Kirkland:

against the floor against the carpet.

Dep Kirkland:

Like that doesn't make any sense.

Dep Kirkland:

How did it get, how did him, how did he get a backup under that chair so far?

Dep Kirkland:

And how did that pan, how did that chair leg get on top of his pants

Dep Kirkland:

leg if he was supposedly standing up attacking the guy with the gun?

Dep Kirkland:

So, no, it didn't make sense.

Dep Kirkland:

And I actually went through the scene with them.

Dep Kirkland:

They showed me what they found.

Dep Kirkland:

Uh, and I actually discovered a, another piece of evidence that

Dep Kirkland:

they hadn't, I guess, noticed away.

Dep Kirkland:

Which was that supposedly the, the fellow who stole alive, Jim Williams

Dep Kirkland:

had been sitting at his desk.

Dep Kirkland:

This was his story.

Dep Kirkland:

He's sitting at his desk when this crazy kid answered, who lived in his house.

Dep Kirkland:

And he took care of him to his room, with a Luger and shot at him missed.

Dep Kirkland:

And he got his own Luger out of a drawer next to his desk and

Dep Kirkland:

returned fire shot him three times, defending himself into the story.

Dep Kirkland:

What had happened was that the bullet from the original Luger, the one that

Dep Kirkland:

Hansford had supposedly fired and, uh, had pierced a stack of papers on the desk.

Dep Kirkland:

It had hit a brass belt buckle and had ricocheted and then go

Dep Kirkland:

on and then hit a wall behind where Williams had been sitting.

Dep Kirkland:

The interesting thing about that was that when he went through the stack of papers,

Dep Kirkland:

the bullet created a shower of paper for.

Dep Kirkland:

The Luger that Williams had used to quote unquote, defend himself.

Dep Kirkland:

He had placed on the desk after he had shot and for follow this, the paper

Dep Kirkland:

fragments created by the supposedly Hanford shop were on top of the Luger that

Dep Kirkland:

Williams had supposedly used afterwards.

Dep Kirkland:

That was impossible because the paper fragment cloud was created

Dep Kirkland:

after Williams had already placed his defensive weapon on his desk.

Dep Kirkland:

So I said, so I showed it to them and they're like, oh my God.

Dep Kirkland:

You're right.

Dep Kirkland:

So we put a photograph, they were already photographing signs.

Dep Kirkland:

They photograph thanks.

Dep Kirkland:

I said, all right.

Dep Kirkland:

So here's what has to happen?

Dep Kirkland:

You have to arrest him.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

That's what we thought.

Dep Kirkland:

We just wanted to check with you.

Dep Kirkland:

So I go into the other room and then I'll do.

Dep Kirkland:

To the details of what you weren't talking about.

Dep Kirkland:

The case itself, the trial, I go into the other room to the borrower to inform

Dep Kirkland:

Bob Duffy, the original lawyer who was there on the scene with, with Williams,

Dep Kirkland:

that he was about to be arrested so that he could call and make arrangements for

Dep Kirkland:

a bail, whatever it is he wanted to do.

Dep Kirkland:

Because at this point he says, it's self-defense, he thinks

Dep Kirkland:

that they're going to leave.

Dep Kirkland:

So I go into the other room.

Dep Kirkland:

Williams is sitting there on the sofa next to Duffy, and I said, you just want to let

Dep Kirkland:

you know that your client is going to be arrested for what charge is it for murder?

Dep Kirkland:

And instead of, uh, instead of the lawyer answering Williams himself

Dep Kirkland:

looked up at me, he was incredulous.

Dep Kirkland:

He couldn't not believe that that was going to happen.

Dep Kirkland:

And he says to me, he said, you know, if I wanted to shoot you, I could have

Dep Kirkland:

done it because there's another pistol in this desk drawer, a drawer I draw to the

Dep Kirkland:

table, a side table next to the, uh, sofa.

Dep Kirkland:

He was sitting.

Dep Kirkland:

Well, because he wasn't your normal defendant.

Dep Kirkland:

The police had not secured the area within the control of the

Dep Kirkland:

accused to check for weapons.

Dep Kirkland:

So he's sitting next to a side table looking at the drawer.

Dep Kirkland:

There's another Lugar.

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

So obviously you show up, police are on the scene, you show

Collier Landry:

up, you are automatically know something's rotten in Denmark.

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

And this gentleman, so he's a very wealthy antiques dealer and correct.

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

And the two

Dep Kirkland:

he's on the board of the T of the museum he's

Dep Kirkland:

on, I mean, he's very started.

Dep Kirkland:

He was one of the people who began the historic restoration

Dep Kirkland:

movement and the city of Savannah.

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

So he's, so he's probably fairly well connected.

Collier Landry:

It's safe to say.

Collier Landry:

Again, a junior German Luger, uh, is not a common firearm that

Collier Landry:

most people possession, loaded,

Dep Kirkland:

loaded, and loaded, ready to fire and write

Collier Landry:

a fire.

Collier Landry:

So it sounds to me right then and there that this is a cut and dry case.

Collier Landry:

You have all the evidence laid out before you, uh, you're talking to his defense

Collier Landry:

lawyer who you happen to know, right.

Collier Landry:

Or his personal lawyer, and, you know, Hey, we're going to book your, your

Collier Landry:

client and start making some preparations to get them bailed out, yada yada.

Collier Landry:

And I would presume that a, the swift hand of justice did not play

Collier Landry:

out the way that you potentially thought it would, or maybe you did.

Collier Landry:

And it turned into a circus and a fiasco, which is why they made a movie out of it.

Collier Landry:


Dep Kirkland:

So why don't you?

Dep Kirkland:

Oh, I'm sure.

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

So why don't you give us a little bit of background here on earth

Collier Landry:

that a little bit of background, but what, what happened next?

Dep Kirkland:

No, he makes bail.

Dep Kirkland:

Uh, I actually, I, I was so, uh, accommodating with these

Dep Kirkland:

folks, but I knew those.

Dep Kirkland:

I knew his lawyer.

Dep Kirkland:

He's a nice fellow.

Dep Kirkland:

I nothing to, he says, well, we need to have a bail hearing.

Dep Kirkland:

Well, by now it's like four in the morning.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

And so I go with them, they find a judge, they wake up a judge.

Dep Kirkland:

I went with them, we wake the judge up and he comes out in a bathrobe and we

Dep Kirkland:

have a bail hearing in his living room.

Dep Kirkland:

He sets bail, you know, myself, the detectives sets a bail off.

Dep Kirkland:

He goes, he posts bail.

Dep Kirkland:

He calls his friend who is at the house and has him bring the

Dep Kirkland:

bail money down in a sack in a.

Dep Kirkland:

Actual cash says, you know, where money is.

Dep Kirkland:

He brings a paper bag to the jail with whatever it was 10,000 an hour

Dep Kirkland:

made thousands of dollars on it.

Dep Kirkland:

And off he goes back home.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

I thought, well, here we go to me.

Dep Kirkland:

And to your point, I have said, I said this before, because this thing,

Dep Kirkland:

this case was tried four times, four times, four times over a space of over

Dep Kirkland:

a period of nine and a half years.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

So I always thought, because I left the DA's office after the

Dep Kirkland:

first trial, which I tried with the da and I, I set the case up.

Dep Kirkland:

I handle all the expert witnesses.

Dep Kirkland:

I handle the construction of it.

Dep Kirkland:

And then I left and I went to Atlanta to work for the gutter.

Dep Kirkland:

So the last three trials, I was not there.

Dep Kirkland:

And I was asked about it because a very famous case.

Dep Kirkland:

What do you think the first case was reversed?

Dep Kirkland:

The second, the first trial ended in conviction.

Dep Kirkland:

Second one ended in can be.

Dep Kirkland:

They were both overturned.

Dep Kirkland:

The third one ended in a hung jury, 11 to one for guilty because of something

Dep Kirkland:

I'll tell you about this person ended up on the jury that shouldn't have been.

Dep Kirkland:

And nine and a half years later, the case was finally moved to Augusta,

Dep Kirkland:

Georgia because of publicity supposedly.

Dep Kirkland:

And he was actually acquitted nine and a half years later.

Dep Kirkland:

Now I as asked, I was asked about this all the time.

Dep Kirkland:

Well, what do you think about the Williams case?

Dep Kirkland:

What do you is going on down there?

Dep Kirkland:

And I said, look, I don't know why they keep reversing.

Dep Kirkland:

Here's some shenanigans at the Supreme court.

Dep Kirkland:

There's a lot going on with this guy.

Dep Kirkland:

He has very prominent people behind him, but I will tell you this.

Dep Kirkland:

There's a, uh, uh, there is a judge that was a friend of mine.

Dep Kirkland:

And I had mentioned something about this to him and his dad had been a judge

Dep Kirkland:

and he said, my dad told me something.

Dep Kirkland:

Once you have this thing about these lawyers or lawyers or

Dep Kirkland:

magician, oh, I'm going to hire so-and-so and I'm going to get.

Dep Kirkland:

I'd have to tell you that the, the, the defense lawyer in the first trial

Dep Kirkland:

of Williams was a fellow named Bobby Lee cook, who is world renowned.

Dep Kirkland:

He may not, we blew this.

Dep Kirkland:

I don't know if he's still around.

Dep Kirkland:

He'd be 90.

Dep Kirkland:

You have to be close to a hundred today, but he had tried 500 murder trials.

Dep Kirkland:

He'd represented the Carnegie's.

Dep Kirkland:

I mean, this guy was the, the sartorial, uh, goateed quoter of Shakespeare, that

Dep Kirkland:

guy that's, who showed up to defend him.

Dep Kirkland:

One of the biggest, most famous trial lawyers.

Dep Kirkland:

And particularly in murder cases in the United States is kind

Dep Kirkland:

of like an athlete Bailey type.

Dep Kirkland:

But, but, but with a better record, wow, sorry, better record than definitely yet.

Dep Kirkland:

But yes, that guy's one is the one that, uh, I was talking to Brenda earlier,

Dep Kirkland:

is it, you know, there are things that happen in a criminal case when you

Dep Kirkland:

have a very prominent, uh, uh, accused.

Dep Kirkland:

Person, the first thing you see is the perp walk.

Dep Kirkland:

You see the police with this famous person handcuffed, and they're being

Dep Kirkland:

ushered in to the jail with the media and all the Bella flashbulbs

Dep Kirkland:

and the cameras are all going on.

Dep Kirkland:

The next thing you see is that person walking out of the jail with attorney X,

Dep Kirkland:

right into the face of the microphones, where they have their press conference.

Dep Kirkland:

Is it, you tell, you know, when you see who the lawyer is like, you know

Dep Kirkland:

that we've all done this because I have done it myself and I see who it is.

Dep Kirkland:

I like, oh yeah, he did it.

Dep Kirkland:

It's like are a bit, there are lawyers at that level that when you see them show

Dep Kirkland:

up in a case, you know, the defendant is in trouble because you're very expensive.

Dep Kirkland:

Well, that's

Collier Landry:

the mark Geragos comes to mind spiral over Shapiro.

Collier Landry:

You know, Johnny Cochran, God rest his soul.

Collier Landry:

You know, I think those are the big, those are the heavy hitters, Alan Dershowitz,

Collier Landry:

all of whom I believe representatives.

Collier Landry:

Yes, they did.

Dep Kirkland:

Including F Lee Bailey, who, uh, had in fact, the last,

Dep Kirkland:

before the OJ case, the last case that Bailey had tried was actually

Dep Kirkland:

Patty Hearst and he had lost it.

Dep Kirkland:

So this dream team, I know that's a whole different subject, but the

Dep Kirkland:

dream team was not such a dream team.

Dep Kirkland:

Johnnie Cochran.

Dep Kirkland:

He made his, made his bones suing the police department for police

Dep Kirkland:

harassment, which was fine.

Dep Kirkland:

He made a good living doing that.

Dep Kirkland:

They didn't actually, it wasn't even, it was not a murder.

Dep Kirkland:

He was not a, uh, a trial over the table, the whole lot of murder cases.

Dep Kirkland:

But Hey, that's uh, the OJ case is a whole different thing.

Dep Kirkland:

So that's what you thought would happen?

Dep Kirkland:

I thought, well, I said to people who asked me about

Dep Kirkland:

the Williams case chaperone.

Dep Kirkland:

And I said, I have to tell you this.

Dep Kirkland:

And this is to share with you what the, my friends, judge, father had

Dep Kirkland:

told him about that sort of thing.

Dep Kirkland:

These high powered, famous magicians, as lawyers, his dad had said, I'll tell

Dep Kirkland:

you what, you let me pick my evidence and I'll let you pick your lawyer.

Dep Kirkland:

And that's what I told people.

Dep Kirkland:

I said, if Jim Williams is tried a hundred times for this murder, he

Dep Kirkland:

will be convicted a hundred times.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

Because gravity doesn't change and there's nothing he can do about it.

Dep Kirkland:

There's the chair leg.

Dep Kirkland:

There's blood that is in, uh, all over the, the hand of this kid

Dep Kirkland:

who supposedly had shot at him.

Dep Kirkland:

There is, uh, put a Luger underneath the kid's hand.

Dep Kirkland:

His fingers are completely chosed close in what was called.

Dep Kirkland:

When people are shot, occasionally they will clench their fist and

Dep Kirkland:

they'll take them to the chest.

Dep Kirkland:

This kid is on the floor.

Dep Kirkland:

He's got his one hand under his chest.

Dep Kirkland:

The others had been pulled out his fingers slightly uncurled and

Dep Kirkland:

laid on the handle of a Luger.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

There's no blood anywhere on that.

Dep Kirkland:

Lugar is filled with blood because he had bled into, onto it underneath

Dep Kirkland:

his chest because that's how he died.

Dep Kirkland:

So it, and then you've got the paper fragments you've uh, the

Dep Kirkland:

defendant in his story had him on the wrong end of the desk.

Dep Kirkland:

He said he came in from there, but his feeder at the other end, I could go on.

Dep Kirkland:

There's so much physical evidence in this case.

Dep Kirkland:

And he thought he was very clever.

Dep Kirkland:

He thought that he could get on the stand and say what he

Dep Kirkland:

wanted and they would believe.

Dep Kirkland:

And he also put on the performances.

Dep Kirkland:

He was quite, quite a, quite a character.

Dep Kirkland:

I lost my son.

Dep Kirkland:

He made a movie out of it.

Collier Landry:

Well, I mean, you got Kevin Spacey played

Collier Landry:

him, so I'm sure he was.

Collier Landry:

So let me, let me, let me ask you.

Collier Landry:

So was it true that this, um, this perp, uh, that came in,

Collier Landry:

was that his really his lover?

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

And what did, so was this, you know, this young lover was, did he have family

Collier Landry:

in the area or was he just sorta like a transient, like a grifter in the area?

Collier Landry:

So he did.

Collier Landry:

So they never in essence got justice for

Dep Kirkland:

their son?

Dep Kirkland:

No, they did not.

Dep Kirkland:

And I was contacted by his sister because the thing that part of the

Dep Kirkland:

defense tactic was to portray him.

Dep Kirkland:

And if you see the movie, you'll see that you would want to play this.

Dep Kirkland:

Now, one thing I will say, Kevin Spacey, pariah that you mentioned.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

If anybody nailed it nailed apart and nail Jim Williams.

Dep Kirkland:

It was Spacey in that movie that was Julie Williams, as far as, as, as if

Dep Kirkland:

he had been pulled up and from the grave and put on the screen, junior

Dep Kirkland:

law portrayed the kid, Danny Hansford.

Dep Kirkland:

It was a, like, he was some sort of creature from the deep.

Dep Kirkland:

He was like, he was this evil, this embodiment of evil that was not Danny.

Dep Kirkland:

And Danny Hanford was a kid.

Dep Kirkland:

He was a street punk.

Dep Kirkland:

Jim Williams used to this was according to the testimony, not me.

Dep Kirkland:

He would cruise the parks.

Dep Kirkland:

And that's what they did.

Dep Kirkland:

Some of these kids in the parks of Savannah late at night, it

Dep Kirkland:

was a big of underground culture.

Dep Kirkland:

Jim Williams used to have a, and this was in the film.

Dep Kirkland:

He had a Christmas party, everybody who was, anybody came to his Christmas.

Dep Kirkland:

He within open up the doors on the second floor of the mansion

Dep Kirkland:

and he would play the pipe organ.

Dep Kirkland:

I mean, it was an amazing event.

Dep Kirkland:

If you were the mayor, if you were anybody in Savannah, you went

Dep Kirkland:

to Jim Williams Christmas party.

Dep Kirkland:

And I know that actually, uh, the ID officer in this case who handled some

Dep Kirkland:

things that helped us with evidence later, when working on the book,

Dep Kirkland:

she worked security for him at those parties as an off duty police officer.

Dep Kirkland:

So she knew all about it.

Dep Kirkland:

She said, oh yeah, we did know.

Dep Kirkland:

Yeah, that was on say Saturday night or Friday night, the next night he

Dep Kirkland:

had another party, but it wasn't advertised, but it was also at the mansion

Dep Kirkland:

because he still had the lights up.

Dep Kirkland:

He still had all of the food.

Dep Kirkland:

He still had over the booze and it was for men only.

Dep Kirkland:

And it was all guys, all in tuxedos.

Dep Kirkland:

So that was, it was a Williams led.

Dep Kirkland:

And I, you know, at that happens in some cities where people have double lives.

Dep Kirkland:

He had his public life where he would have a woman go with him.

Dep Kirkland:

So it was like his date.

Dep Kirkland:

And then he would, you know, the next night it was different.

Dep Kirkland:

Danny Hanford was a street urchin who was very cute and hung out in the parks

Dep Kirkland:

and he would do what he did for money.

Dep Kirkland:

And all the kids do.

Dep Kirkland:

Jim Williams picked him up and took him home.

Dep Kirkland:

And that's something that I talk about in the book.

Dep Kirkland:

Are they, I believe it was this obsessive relationship.

Dep Kirkland:

He bought him a car.

Dep Kirkland:

He bought him jewelry.

Dep Kirkland:

He buys Welty.

Dep Kirkland:

Danny Hansford was not gay, could have been and find him, but he wasn't.

Dep Kirkland:

He did what he did for money.

Dep Kirkland:

So for example, there was a period of time, right before I think it was

Dep Kirkland:

the day before he was killed or the day, day or two, before he was killed.

Dep Kirkland:

Jim Williams gave him.

Dep Kirkland:

A, uh, right.

Dep Kirkland:

Expensive gold necklace.

Dep Kirkland:

We knew what it cost.

Dep Kirkland:

I don't want to remember now, but it's in the book about what today's

Dep Kirkland:

value of that thing would have been.

Dep Kirkland:

It was a lot, it gives Danny this gold necklace chain, necklace, and he takes the

Dep Kirkland:

necklace and gives it to his girlfriend.

Dep Kirkland:

Williams notices that he doesn't have the necklace.

Dep Kirkland:


Collier Landry:

now that's me just, you know, I'm not a prosecutor or

Collier Landry:

a, a lawyer, but that to me, sounds like that could be something we call

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

There's no doubt that maybe

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

Williams, wouldn't be very excited about that notion.

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

And it'd be an escape fantasy, or you have this fantasy about this

Collier Landry:

guy, you know, that was straight, that was playing gay, gay for pay.

Dep Kirkland:

Um, I just, with him, he was, he was his

Dep Kirkland:

plate that he was his boy toy.

Dep Kirkland:

He did not like he didn't like him having a girlfriend.

Dep Kirkland:

I mean, he didn't say this at trial until later the first trial.

Dep Kirkland:

There was nothing to that.

Dep Kirkland:

He was just a kid that he had taken off the street because he felt sorry for him.

Dep Kirkland:

She was trying to get him, get him, help him, get his life back together.

Dep Kirkland:

And here's the thing about mark, about murder cases.

Dep Kirkland:

And you know, this, uh, it, Brenda knows this there's no

Dep Kirkland:

necessarily there's no requirement.

Dep Kirkland:

There's no requirement that you prove motive and a murder case.

Dep Kirkland:

W why don't you say that again?

Dep Kirkland:

One more time.

Dep Kirkland:

There is no requirement that you prove motive in America.

Dep Kirkland:

It's not an element of the offense.

Dep Kirkland:

However, if you don't juries, don't like it.

Dep Kirkland:

They want to know why this happened.

Dep Kirkland:

Motive is important.

Dep Kirkland:

You need to prove, I know they say motive.

Dep Kirkland:

It means an opportunity.

Dep Kirkland:

What you really need that's for investigators.

Dep Kirkland:

What you really need for a conviction is opportunity

Dep Kirkland:

means, and you need to prove it.

Dep Kirkland:

And I don't care why it happened.

Dep Kirkland:

If you've got a video of the killing, you don't need it doesn't matter why

Dep Kirkland:

somebody got mad or why they flew off the handle or why they pulled the trigger.

Dep Kirkland:

They pulled the trigger.

Dep Kirkland:

If you can prove that you don't need to prove motive, but you,

Dep Kirkland:

but it's important to, because juries want to know what that was.

Dep Kirkland:

Why would somebody do this?

Dep Kirkland:

Why did this?

Dep Kirkland:


Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

So, so I did a Ted talk, um, about my pursuit of making my film, which

Collier Landry:

was a murder of Mansfield about the murder of my mother by my father.

Collier Landry:

And I witnessed the murder happened and I testified at

Collier Landry:

trial for two and a half days.

Collier Landry:

Um, Against, uh, my father and put, essentially put my father in prison.

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

I wouldn't let him get away with it.

Collier Landry:

Nobody believed me except for one detective.

Collier Landry:

And over the course of like 25 days, he and I put together everything.

Collier Landry:

And I found this picture, this house that my father had had in his truck.

Collier Landry:

And that's where they turned up.

Collier Landry:

It ended up finding my mother's body was in another state.

Collier Landry:

So, uh, but I, it was in this Ted talk.

Collier Landry:

I'm talking about, you know, that we, as humans are natural paths.

Collier Landry:

So it's interesting to hear you say this because, you know, I talk

Collier Landry:

about, you know, we always want to know why things happen so we can

Collier Landry:

come to some sort of understanding or rationale of why these crimes.

Collier Landry:

Or are perpetrated.

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

And that's interesting that this even translates over into, uh, you're

Collier Landry:

prosecuting or prosecutors taking into account this sort of psychology when

Collier Landry:

they're trying to present a murder case to a jury, is there has to be

Collier Landry:

that, that bit of empathy, whether it's a sympathetic form of empathy,

Collier Landry:

or just a general understanding or comprehension of why would they do this?

Collier Landry:

Because without that, that humanistic link, you know, in our brains is

Collier Landry:

called the mirror neuron system.

Collier Landry:

Without that link, that sort of bonds us, they can't come to any sort of

Collier Landry:

rational decision one way or another.

Collier Landry:


Dep Kirkland:

absolutely right about that.

Dep Kirkland:

And in this case, I actually had someone say to me at one point about a, uh, it

Dep Kirkland:

was about an insanity defense or murder case, and they were not involved in

Dep Kirkland:

the case, but we were talking about it.

Dep Kirkland:

And he said, you know, I don't understand, does it.

Dep Kirkland:

Why would someone for no reason to kill somebody else who doesn't that

Dep Kirkland:

just per se tell you that they're insane because that's insane as they,

Dep Kirkland:

well, that's not the legal definition, but I get what you're going for.

Dep Kirkland:

And it's what you're talking about.

Dep Kirkland:

We want to be, we want to juries want to feel comfortable with their decision.

Dep Kirkland:

So a lot of what you do as a prosecutor, and I think you do it as a defense lawyer,

Dep Kirkland:

you're trying to get them to understand and be confident that if they're going

Dep Kirkland:

to cut somebody loose, who is in a courtroom was accused of killing somebody.

Dep Kirkland:

That's a bad thing.

Dep Kirkland:

I don't want to let somebody go that maybe did it as a defense lawyer.

Dep Kirkland:

You have to get them to the point that they feel okay about their decision.

Dep Kirkland:

It ha it comes up in, uh, in capital cases.

Dep Kirkland:

It comes up in death cases.

Dep Kirkland:

Oh, you're going to put this person to death.

Dep Kirkland:

It's important.

Dep Kirkland:

But in this case, it, it, it, uh, the motive question was a double edge.

Dep Kirkland:

Because William's position was he didn't stand up and say this, but

Dep Kirkland:

this was his, this was his counsel's position in the first trial was

Dep Kirkland:

that this was a normal relationship.

Dep Kirkland:

Maybe it was a little lie, but there was nothing else to it.

Dep Kirkland:

It was all fine.

Dep Kirkland:

He was trying to help you.

Dep Kirkland:

Why in the world would someone like James Williams and his position in

Dep Kirkland:

life decide to take the life of this?

Dep Kirkland:

Nobody street arching.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

But the better question is why would a young man who has been taken off

Dep Kirkland:

the street and is being taken care of by, I call him the golden goose

Dep Kirkland:

by James Williams, living in one of the finest mansions in Savannah

Collier Landry:

by why would he bite the hand that feeds him.

Dep Kirkland:

That's exactly.

Dep Kirkland:

What is his, what in God's name does he get for by killing James?

Dep Kirkland:

Uh, James Williams.

Dep Kirkland:

Now, is it, what was there,

Collier Landry:

what was their defense?

Collier Landry:

He came up during

Dep Kirkland:

the trial, uh, as it came up during the trial and later

Dep Kirkland:

in the appellate part process, their claim was that Hansford had a plot.

Dep Kirkland:

It was ridiculous, but he had a plot to kill Williams and take his money.

Dep Kirkland:

Well, you might ask yourself, how exactly was he going to get Jim

Dep Kirkland:

Williams money if your children?

Dep Kirkland:

And the other thing that I point out in the book is, and where's he going?

Dep Kirkland:

If he kills Jim Williams on Friday night, where is he sleeping?

Dep Kirkland:

Saturday night.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

Yeah, but that's what, that's what, that's one of the things that the defense, uh,

Dep Kirkland:

when, after it was this made note since Danny Hansford and that's why I think

Dep Kirkland:

he was played the way he was by Judy.

Dep Kirkland:

Danny Handford was mentally unbalanced.

Dep Kirkland:

That was their thing.

Dep Kirkland:

He had been put in a regional hospital at Muslim time when he was 17 or wherever

Dep Kirkland:

twice, he had been to Georgia regional.

Dep Kirkland:

Now why?

Dep Kirkland:

Because he had, he drank a lot.

Dep Kirkland:

He was drugged up and he broke a door.

Dep Kirkland:

His, uh, his, uh, apartment that he lived in, he attack some guy that he claimed

Dep Kirkland:

had sprayed his cat with us with, uh, uh, with a, uh, paint with a bug killer.

Dep Kirkland:

And he was a raucous wild, young man who lived in the streets.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

So that's what he was like.

Dep Kirkland:

And he would get into trouble.

Dep Kirkland:

He'd get drunk, he'd smashed something up.

Dep Kirkland:

And his mother would put him in Georgia regional, and then a day later they

Dep Kirkland:

let him out, but they brought him in, they put it psychiatrist on the stand.

Dep Kirkland:

They brought out his medical records.

Dep Kirkland:

They tried to paint this picture that he was basically.

Dep Kirkland:

Um, out of control, raging every, uh, it's kinda funny actually, because during

Dep Kirkland:

the trial, when James Williams would tell this story and he had to tell it four

Dep Kirkland:

times, because he was tried four times, his story kept changing, but he loved me.

Dep Kirkland:

He took the stand.

Dep Kirkland:

Oh, he took the stand.

Dep Kirkland:

Oh yes.

Dep Kirkland:

He was never not taking the stand.

Dep Kirkland:

It was,

Collier Landry:

would you say this guy Williams was a narcissist and associates

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

No question about it.

Collier Landry:

Cause I feel that it only narcissists and sociopaths

Collier Landry:

really feel the need to take the witness stand in a murderer.

Collier Landry:

I mean, my father did, you know, and it's just, it's just, they do.

Collier Landry:

They just think that they're so much smarter than everyone else and they

Collier Landry:

can fool everyone and then it just backfires, but they're not even,

Collier Landry:

they're not even cognizant of their sociopathy or their narcissism to

Collier Landry:

realize that they're, they look.

Collier Landry:

No ad what I'm saying is everyone can read through them.

Collier Landry:

You know,

Dep Kirkland:

between the second trial, I said four trials between

Dep Kirkland:

the second and the third trial when Williams was out, he and his lawyer

Dep Kirkland:

did an interview with us magazine.

Dep Kirkland:

Who does that?

Dep Kirkland:

What criminal defendant accused of murder sits down with a lawyer and

Dep Kirkland:

starts talking about their defense.

Dep Kirkland:

And he says, during the interview, yes, we've been talking, we're

Dep Kirkland:

hoping to do a plea, maybe to voluntary manslaughter, blah, blah.

Dep Kirkland:

What are you doing?

Dep Kirkland:

He thought exactly what you're talking about.

Dep Kirkland:

It's such an ego that he believed he could not stand the district attorney.

Dep Kirkland:

He could not stand being even questioned by this man, which I

Dep Kirkland:

love because he used that to get to him and he lost it on the stand.

Dep Kirkland:

He did not the fourth time, but he, you could see through it.

Dep Kirkland:

He looked like I said, he looked like he actually seemed like.

Dep Kirkland:

Uh, a tank commander about what to rise, you know, around his

Dep Kirkland:

tanks and attack the enemy.

Dep Kirkland:

And everyone is going to he's the commandant that he's

Dep Kirkland:

going to March into battle.

Dep Kirkland:

Now here's the thing about this case because of the physical evidence, there

Dep Kirkland:

was also some, some things going on at the other end of the desk, down there with,

Dep Kirkland:

uh, with, uh, uh, marijuana cigarette.

Dep Kirkland:

It was ground into the top of his antique leather.

Dep Kirkland:

That's what happened?

Dep Kirkland:

I think they were having a conversation.

Dep Kirkland:

This was the middle of the night.

Dep Kirkland:

We were supposed to go to Europe the next day with Danny going

Dep Kirkland:

along as his, uh, as his helper to keep him, you know, whatever.

Dep Kirkland:

So we know what happened.

Dep Kirkland:

So you've got that down there.

Dep Kirkland:

You've got the chair leg on the pants.

Dep Kirkland:

You've got him at the wrong end of the desk.

Dep Kirkland:

You've got all of this that you had the blood, you've got all this stuff going on.

Dep Kirkland:

Now, if I'm a defense lawyer, I'm going to say, you know what, if you

Dep Kirkland:

don't explain this because I don't have an explanation and you were in the.

Dep Kirkland:

Unlike in your case, there are only two people in this case and the dead guy.

Dep Kirkland:

Can't tell you what happened though.

Dep Kirkland:

I think he can tell you what happened from the evidence, but he can't speak.

Dep Kirkland:

So what happened was

Collier Landry:

that a heater and some smelling salts?

Collier Landry:

That's for sure.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

You're not going to get him up.

Dep Kirkland:

It is coming back.

Dep Kirkland:

So what you tell them is, look, I can't eat.

Dep Kirkland:

You're going down.

Dep Kirkland:

If you can't explain this evidence, why is that chair on his pants?

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

How did it get on his pants leg?

Dep Kirkland:

I could come up with an a, you could, too, if you had enough time,

Dep Kirkland:

you'd come up with an explanation.

Dep Kirkland:

It was October, for some reason it had to have been knocked over because it was

Dep Kirkland:

obviously had been put back upright and put back up right in the wrong position.

Dep Kirkland:

So you've got to have any excuse for having been toppled in the first place.

Dep Kirkland:

Well, I feel

Collier Landry:

like it's like these guys always have, you know,

Collier Landry:

The answers to every question, they have the answer for everything.

Collier Landry:

And I, I feel like that's a pretty typical thing.

Collier Landry:

Now, my question to you is did William's story evolve from the

Collier Landry:

first trial to the fourth trial?

Collier Landry:

Did it get more intense?

Collier Landry:

Was there more creative liberties that happened or did he pretty much stick to a

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

He, then there was a point I was about to make without that, when you bring

Dep Kirkland:

that up as you're very true, you might put somebody on the stand because you

Dep Kirkland:

have to, because there are things about it that somebody, you better explain it.

Dep Kirkland:

And so you think, okay, I'll put him on the stand to explain the chair,

Dep Kirkland:

but you don't put him on the stand and then have them tell you that they don't

Dep Kirkland:

have any idea how the chair got there.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

And paying attention to that chair.

Dep Kirkland:

He didn't address the physical evidence.

Dep Kirkland:

So why is he testifying?

Dep Kirkland:

All he's doing is pontificating and is helping us because he

Dep Kirkland:

looked like this megalomaniac.

Dep Kirkland:

It doesn't make any sense.

Dep Kirkland:

He doesn't explain any of this stuff.

Dep Kirkland:

So to your point, That doesn't make sense because he's on

Collier Landry:

stage, he's on stage, he's on stage.

Collier Landry:

You know, my father did similar things, you know, my father had read it a Jack

Collier Landry:

hammer that he used because my father was convicted of premeditated murder.

Collier Landry:

Cause it was premeditated.

Collier Landry:

And a lot of people they've seen the documentary.

Collier Landry:

They were like, well, I wasn't clear.

Collier Landry:

Did he kill her?

Collier Landry:

Like, no, it was premeditated.

Collier Landry:

He, you know, he read it, the Jack hammer prior to her murder.

Collier Landry:

He, he asked about lowering the basement floor in the home, uh, where she was

Collier Landry:

eventually found in the buried underneath the concrete floor in the basement.

Collier Landry:

Um, and all these things were set up.

Collier Landry:

And I think that, uh, you know, when he was being, you know, cross-examined, uh,

Collier Landry:

he couldn't explain the way these things, but was feeling like he was, uh, because,

Collier Landry:

well, you just take my word for it.

Collier Landry:

It's kind of their thing.

Collier Landry:

Well, cause I'm, you know, Yeah, I'm the narcissist, I'm the sociopath.

Collier Landry:

And you should just believe me and trust me.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

I don't understand why they, but you know what?

Dep Kirkland:

I also had a judge.

Dep Kirkland:

I also had a judge make a comment once because as you know, in a murder

Dep Kirkland:

trial, well then any trial there's, it comes a point about, it comes a

Dep Kirkland:

point when you ask, is the defendant going to take the stand or not?

Dep Kirkland:

And if they decide not to, there's a whole process that the court has

Dep Kirkland:

to go through, questioned them, to make sure they understand that

Dep Kirkland:

they have the right to testify.

Dep Kirkland:

They have the right to cross examine.

Dep Kirkland:

They have a right to confront their witnesses.

Dep Kirkland:

And if the decision is made not to get on the stand Zandy, it

Dep Kirkland:

has to be a part of the record.

Dep Kirkland:

And then they can, you know, that's fine.

Dep Kirkland:

They can make that decision and they have to talk about what their attorneys

Dep Kirkland:

told them, where they will advise fine.

Dep Kirkland:

I had that in a case happen when a fellow is not going to take the stand afterward,

Dep Kirkland:

I'm talking to the judge in the case.

Dep Kirkland:

And he says, you know, I've never understood that.

Dep Kirkland:

Like, what do you mean?

Dep Kirkland:

You mean not testify?

Dep Kirkland:

He said, look, if I'm on trial for my life, if I don't get on the

Dep Kirkland:

stand, what am I telling people?

Dep Kirkland:

He said, I just don't have a lot of respect for somebody.

Dep Kirkland:

They won't try to save their own life.

Dep Kirkland:

He says, I get the strategic decision, but I can tell you, I don't think is like it.

Dep Kirkland:

Um, now what happens is with people like your dad and like Jim Williams,

Dep Kirkland:

they're sociopath, they think sure that they will be believed.

Dep Kirkland:

For example, I'll give you an example.

Dep Kirkland:

The night that this thing happened, where had they been?

Dep Kirkland:

Well, they had been to the drive in that Quinn with others.

Dep Kirkland:

I think that driving might still be there.

Dep Kirkland:

It's kind of a goofy thing to go.

Dep Kirkland:

Do they go?

Dep Kirkland:

They want, they had gone to the drive in Williams.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

That Danny Hansford on the way to the drive in did they had stopped

Dep Kirkland:

at the package store and they had gotten two half pints of wild

Dep Kirkland:

Turkey or some kind of liquor.

Dep Kirkland:

And during the movie Hansard had smoked, oh, I don't know, six or seven

Dep Kirkland:

or eight joints, like, wait a minute.

Dep Kirkland:

And he drinks the liquor and he's like, I heard this driving.

Dep Kirkland:

I'm thinking, I'm thinking, so maybe he was smoking or maybe he

Dep Kirkland:

was smoking a joint at the driving.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

But he couldn't, he couldn't let it go at a gym.

Dep Kirkland:

It had to be six or seven or eight.

Dep Kirkland:

And I'm thinking, okay, I don't know about this jury, but I know what I know.

Dep Kirkland:

Like if I joined, I smoked at each point and I drank two half

Dep Kirkland:

by, so I would be outside the car on the ground at the drugs.

Dep Kirkland:

Yeah, exactly.

Dep Kirkland:

And then the other thing is of course, how about the drugs?

Dep Kirkland:

Oh, no drugs are allowed in mind.

Dep Kirkland:

Sure, but not at the drive-in.

Dep Kirkland:

And my other question to Williams is I didn't, I didn't cross examine

Dep Kirkland:

Williams, but my question in the book that I would have asked Williams is,

Dep Kirkland:

so were you in the car at the drive?

Dep Kirkland:

It, did you not inhale the air in the car?

Dep Kirkland:

Because he doesn't touch drugs?

Dep Kirkland:

You know, we have don't know, no drugs are not for me.

Dep Kirkland:

Like you're a car where somebody supposedly smoked a half a dozen

Dep Kirkland:

joints and you somehow didn't you remained in a bubble, the stuff they

Dep Kirkland:

say sometimes doesn't make sense.

Dep Kirkland:


Collier Landry:

I believe when I was in college, we called that hotboxing.

Collier Landry:

So he would've been hopping.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

He would have like it or not, you could have been a priest and

Dep Kirkland:

he still would've been in there and you still have to breathe.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

But it's like, it's like, your dad is like, they can't, first of all, they

Dep Kirkland:

believe that people will believe them and they tend to exaggerate things

Dep Kirkland:

just to make their case a little bit.

Collier Landry:

Yeah, hyperbole becomes their, uh, their only ally.

Dep Kirkland:

Um, and Hansford, here's where, the thing, you mentioned his story,

Dep Kirkland:

as he told the story over and over and over, it did try to adjust for where he's

Dep Kirkland:

standing because he needed to move him.

Dep Kirkland:

His feet were at the wrong end of the tape of the desk, his

Dep Kirkland:

feet, because he had been shot.

Dep Kirkland:

The first shot entered his chest and severed his aorta.

Dep Kirkland:

He was dead in the space of a half, four seconds.

Dep Kirkland:

He felt a complete straight down didn't move.

Dep Kirkland:

And that was from their own testimony.

Dep Kirkland:

Their own experts testified to that.

Dep Kirkland:

He fell down, he never moved.

Dep Kirkland:

He was dead and no 10 seconds.

Dep Kirkland:

Well, his feet were at the end of the desk where the chair had been and

Dep Kirkland:

where the cigarette was ground out into the top of the leather table.

Dep Kirkland:

My feeling is that was the trigger because this was his

Dep Kirkland:

antiques and his possessions were.

Dep Kirkland:

Yeah, it used to do this.

Dep Kirkland:

His friend said this, he said, you know, Danny would piss Williams off.

Dep Kirkland:

He'd do it intentionally.

Dep Kirkland:

He did it all the time because then Williams would blow up at

Dep Kirkland:

him and then later he'd feel bad.

Dep Kirkland:

And he by himself.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

What he did, that was their pattern.

Dep Kirkland:

Well, um, that, that's what happened.

Dep Kirkland:

I think that's what happened in this case.

Dep Kirkland:

We never had to prove, we didn't have to prove that Williams

Dep Kirkland:

planned it didn't plan it.

Dep Kirkland:

How all we had to prove was that it wasn't self-defense

Dep Kirkland:

because he had admitted shooting.

Dep Kirkland:

So we could prove that that self-defense theory fell apart.

Dep Kirkland:

He's standing there having confessed to having shot the kid.

Dep Kirkland:

So we didn't have to go into what was the cigarette doing down here?

Dep Kirkland:

What was the chair doing?

Dep Kirkland:

What probably happened that led up to this, but we did, you know, he, so he

Dep Kirkland:

did try to con he tried to change that.

Dep Kirkland:

He said, oh, he, we came in and every time he said he came into the.

Dep Kirkland:

He would say, well, he came in and he was raging.

Dep Kirkland:

He was raging, raging became the word of the day.

Dep Kirkland:

He must have said it 50 times you, he was raising, he came in and he was raging.

Dep Kirkland:

I like this.

Dep Kirkland:

He also spoke in a way that most people don't, it's this

Dep Kirkland:

heightened type of language.

Dep Kirkland:

It's almost like he was an aristocrat from somebody.

Dep Kirkland:

He was high flow,

Collier Landry:

very highfalutin.

Collier Landry:

Well that, you know, obviously a high level of intelligence goes hand in hand

Collier Landry:

with sociopathy and narcissism, for sure.

Collier Landry:

And, uh, yeah, like you, uh, you use the, you know, you said earlier,

Collier Landry:

it's like he was pontificating to everyone from the witness box.

Dep Kirkland:

Well, they convicted him, uh, the first time and I wasn't

Dep Kirkland:

surprised I did a actually, no, I did the final closing in the case.

Dep Kirkland:

And, um, I, I think I said to the jury, I forget what I said exactly,

Dep Kirkland:

but I said to them basically, Uh, you've, you've had a view into a side

Dep Kirkland:

of life in Savannah that most people never see it's in a different world,

Dep Kirkland:

and this is the world they lived in.

Dep Kirkland:

They, this was normal for them.

Dep Kirkland:

This was normal behavior for Williams.

Dep Kirkland:

I was told later by someone who knew him quite well.

Dep Kirkland:

And I don't know if this is true.

Dep Kirkland:

I don't think I put it in the book because I, I assume it's true because

Dep Kirkland:

I've known this person all my life.

Dep Kirkland:

Um, and he knew Williams quite well downtown in that neighborhood.

Dep Kirkland:

And he said, Jim Williams used to pay people to go over into the

Dep Kirkland:

projects with money and pay a kid and bring him back to the house.

Dep Kirkland:

That's the guy he was.

Dep Kirkland:

And then he got latched on to Danny Handford and he was, I don't know what

Dep Kirkland:

you'd call it to his psychosis, but it was one thing he could not control.

Dep Kirkland:

He could not control.

Dep Kirkland:

And in the end, I think that's what happened.

Dep Kirkland:

I think the Hansford pushed him one too many times.

Dep Kirkland:

He had apparently a temper and it came out occasionally on the stand because

Dep Kirkland:

whenever Spencer Walton was the da, uh, who went on to serve for 35 years in that

Dep Kirkland:

position, Spencer would cross examine him.

Dep Kirkland:

And you could just see where it's getting so irritated and agitated,

Dep Kirkland:

and that doesn't help either.

Dep Kirkland:

Like you said, about a motive, a jury watches people, they watch

Dep Kirkland:

the lawyers, they can decide.

Dep Kirkland:

I have had juries come up with decisions.

Dep Kirkland:

That's another thing about trying cases.

Dep Kirkland:

You think, you know, you think you made this brilliant point and you think if you

Dep Kirkland:

win a case that you want it because of this, because of your argument, because,

Dep Kirkland:

oh, it was about this and it was, here's why, you know, we really nailed them

Dep Kirkland:

on the blood, but if you're a defense lawyer, you're like, yeah, I got them.

Dep Kirkland:

You know, I got them.

Dep Kirkland:

I think they really went for this.

Dep Kirkland:

There you talk to jurors after.

Dep Kirkland:

And it is incredible.

Dep Kirkland:

The things they come up with for doing reasons.

Dep Kirkland:

They come up with for doing what they do.

Dep Kirkland:

Sometimes it's not your brilliance whatsoever.

Dep Kirkland:

It could be.

Dep Kirkland:

I don't like the lawyers tie that guy.

Dep Kirkland:

I just didn't believe him anything.

Dep Kirkland:

He said, what you're talking about?

Dep Kirkland:

The defendant, no, I'm talking about his lawyer.

Dep Kirkland:

He was like, what?

Dep Kirkland:

Where did you come up with this stuff?

Dep Kirkland:

So they are very observant and they really watch the defendant.

Dep Kirkland:

They don't just watch them when they're testifying, they watch them.

Dep Kirkland:

When they're in the courtroom, they watch them at the table.

Dep Kirkland:

They watch their reaction to evidence.

Dep Kirkland:

They walk into that and he did not do that.

Dep Kirkland:

Well, what happened?

Dep Kirkland:

And I'll tell you that for trials, I get it.

Dep Kirkland:

First one was reversed.

Dep Kirkland:

Second one was reversed.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

He was convicted.

Dep Kirkland:

The third one, he was, I say, I was, ended up 11 to one for guilty and

Dep Kirkland:

that's a completely different story.

Dep Kirkland:

There was a person on the jury years later when I was working on the book, I

Dep Kirkland:

came back and I talked to a detective.

Dep Kirkland:

Who it was the homicide detective lead detective.

Dep Kirkland:

In that case, he was running a task force at the time I went to see him, I said,

Dep Kirkland:

so what do you think about all this?

Dep Kirkland:

I know we're talking about the third trial, which ended 11 to one.

Dep Kirkland:

There was a person on there that hung that jury.

Dep Kirkland:

And he said, well, you know what happened in that case?

Dep Kirkland:

I said, no, I didn't.

Dep Kirkland:

And in fact, the da didn't know it.

Dep Kirkland:

My friend, he didn't know that this is what I'm working on the

Dep Kirkland:

book years later, he says, the fact was, we already tried this twice.

Dep Kirkland:

Here's a third trial.

Dep Kirkland:

And my Lieutenant would not allow me to go to the jury selection portion

Dep Kirkland:

of the trial, because I'd already spent so much time on this thing.

Dep Kirkland:

And he's like, look, you can go to the trial because as you know, uh,

Dep Kirkland:

the, the, the detectives will, will sit with the prosecution during trial.

Dep Kirkland:

So he was going to do that, but he didn't go to the jury selection

Dep Kirkland:

portion, which they normally would.

Dep Kirkland:

They be there from day one.

Dep Kirkland:

He said he wouldn't let me go.

Dep Kirkland:

And I got all the things to do.

Dep Kirkland:

You've got cases.

Dep Kirkland:

You don't need to go down there and watch him pick a jury.

Dep Kirkland:

So he didn't go.

Dep Kirkland:

And he said, if I had been there, that woman would never have been on the.

Dep Kirkland:

Really does.

Dep Kirkland:

I know her, I had served warrants at her house.

Dep Kirkland:

Her husband, her boyfriend slash husband is what we call a safe burglar.

Dep Kirkland:

These are the guys that would break into a, into a store, take the safe

Dep Kirkland:

out, burn the store and take this.

Dep Kirkland:

I mean, this guy is a professional criminal.

Dep Kirkland:

We have been after him and she is his girl and we've been to her house.

Dep Kirkland:

I know her, like, I know what was she doing on the jury?

Dep Kirkland:

She's on the jury.

Dep Kirkland:

That's incredible.

Dep Kirkland:

How did that happen?

Dep Kirkland:

I don't think Spencer knew any of that.

Dep Kirkland:

He's been there out of toll.

Dep Kirkland:

Well, she hung the jury and there was no way she was going to convict.

Dep Kirkland:

Then they go to trial number four, which was now over nine

Dep Kirkland:

years later and it's in Augusta.

Dep Kirkland:

So he moved the trial and I deal with this in the book, as

Dep Kirkland:

it goes, they acquitted him.

Dep Kirkland:

They acquitted him.

Dep Kirkland:

Like, how is this possible?

Dep Kirkland:

Back to my earlier comment.

Dep Kirkland:

We'll wait, wait, wait.

Dep Kirkland:

The chairs.

Dep Kirkland:

The residue still there.

Dep Kirkland:

The blitz still there.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

How in the world did they cut him loose?

Dep Kirkland:

So I had to go through and come up with an analysis of why I think

Dep Kirkland:

maybe he was acquitted finally.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

One of those pieces was that in the early, this is about your

Dep Kirkland:

dad and it's about Jim Lee.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

In the earlier part of this, when he was pontificating and he was

Dep Kirkland:

showing off, he was irritating.

Dep Kirkland:

He looked like somebody who thought that this, this kid was a piece of trash

Dep Kirkland:

and was a nap that he gets swamped.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

By time of the last trial, now it's nine and a half years later.

Dep Kirkland:

And I talked to the court reporter who sat through that trial.

Dep Kirkland:

And I said, was there anything different?

Dep Kirkland:

She is the only thing I can tell you that was different.

Dep Kirkland:

Was his demeanor.

Dep Kirkland:

It was like, he'd been beaten down plus he's nine and a half years old.

Dep Kirkland:

So he's he looked like this loop, this old man who probably, I don't know,

Dep Kirkland:

he just didn't, he was not the same arrogant Jurich that he was in the

Dep Kirkland:

first trials and it just was like, he responded with a different person.

Dep Kirkland:

Now, my analysis was that the people in this other city who

Dep Kirkland:

didn't know him, this is something else that happens with juries.

Dep Kirkland:

This case had been tried three times.

Dep Kirkland:

Now you're in a different city and all of a sudden here comes this trial

Dep Kirkland:

into your town and you're on a, stay on a jury and say, well, isn't this.

Dep Kirkland:

And it was well known throughout the state of Georgia.

Dep Kirkland:

It was a big deal.

Dep Kirkland:

Your allegations are connected to the former governor.

Dep Kirkland:

I mean the Supreme court, some shenanigans here, it was all over the paint.

Dep Kirkland:

Everybody knew about this case.

Dep Kirkland:

So you see, that has been brought here.

Dep Kirkland:

You see that he's been tried three times.

Dep Kirkland:

You see that he's still here.

Dep Kirkland:

So those, those trials, those convictions were reversed.

Dep Kirkland:

Then there was a hung jury.

Dep Kirkland:

So what are you thinking.

Dep Kirkland:

Something's wrong with this case, there must be a reason

Dep Kirkland:

that they keep throwing it out.

Dep Kirkland:

This is subconscious.

Dep Kirkland:

There must be a reason they had to come to Augusta to get justice for this man.

Dep Kirkland:

Gotta be something to this.

Dep Kirkland:

And my final comment about it was, and you look at this God, and he doesn't look like

Dep Kirkland:

the commandant of the tank court anymore.

Dep Kirkland:

He looks like this harmless old man.

Dep Kirkland:

And you know what?

Dep Kirkland:

It's been nine and a half years.

Dep Kirkland:

He's probably not going to kill anybody else.

Dep Kirkland:

And if he does, it's not going to be in my town.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

And so they let him go.

Dep Kirkland:

What's that sounds like when you refer to the fact that they went to the

Dep Kirkland:

projects and brought back kids, you're talking about kids under the age of 18.

Dep Kirkland:

So this guy a pedophile.

Dep Kirkland:

Oh yeah.

Dep Kirkland:

Well, people in the town, I'm assuming.

Dep Kirkland:

You know, for the most part, what, now nobody knew this.

Collier Landry:

They weren't aware of his

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

Oh gosh, no, gosh, no.

Dep Kirkland:

Nobody knew this except people who really knew him.

Dep Kirkland:

That's what I'm saying.

Dep Kirkland:

It's the it's and this is, I don't think it's, uh, you might say it's

Dep Kirkland:

something about out of Tennessee Williams, you know, that it's one

Dep Kirkland:

of those Southern Gothic stories.

Dep Kirkland:

And I think that's one reason if you want to know why I think the

Dep Kirkland:

midnight book did so well, John Barron's book, it's not accurate.

Dep Kirkland:

It's not it's it's fiction.

Dep Kirkland:

Um, and it, it doesn't even tell you about the four trial.

Dep Kirkland:

The, one of the reasons I think that it became so popular was not because

Dep Kirkland:

it was about this murder case, because it was barely about this murder case.

Dep Kirkland:

I think the murder case was his way in.

Dep Kirkland:

He didn't even show up until after the second trial.

Dep Kirkland:

He wasn't there in the beginning, even though in the movie, he is.

Dep Kirkland:

Okay, because it was about Savannah and it was about the quarter is about the

Dep Kirkland:

guy owns a dog and invisible dog and the people and the guy has flies on a string

Dep Kirkland:

and the, the, the, uh, the cotillion and, uh, the people who talk like that,

Dep Kirkland:

and they all got guns hit in some way.

Dep Kirkland:

I know all of this stuff, I think it was such so delicious.

Dep Kirkland:

It was a summary.

Dep Kirkland:

And you sit on a beach, you can read it quickly.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

That was pretty good.

Dep Kirkland:

But it wasn't this case.

Dep Kirkland:

So I think like it's, that, that environment is not only unique to the

Dep Kirkland:

south, but it is this environment where you have people who have two lives.

Dep Kirkland:

Maybe you go to Italy where I don't know if this is true anymore.

Dep Kirkland:

But then at one time we had have cow men.

Dep Kirkland:

They have, there was a place in New Jersey that I knew somebody who worked.

Dep Kirkland:

It was a Roadhouse and she was the chief bartender.

Dep Kirkland:

And she said we had two nights, Friday night was girlfriend night.

Dep Kirkland:

Ours are the other way around.

Dep Kirkland:

I'm not sure.

Dep Kirkland:

Saturday night was,

Collier Landry:

says, he says that in a, you know, they said

Dep Kirkland:

the same guy would come in one night with a girlfriend one

Dep Kirkland:

night with a family, nobody said a word, and I'm sure the wife knew that

Dep Kirkland:

he was used to didn't talk about it.

Dep Kirkland:

He didn't talk about

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

And that is the taboo of the old way of doing things Southern.

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

It's a, it's interesting.

Collier Landry:

It's sort of a swap culture if you will.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

It's a fascinating thing, but I still, I still struggle with, and

Dep Kirkland:

there was some things that happened.

Dep Kirkland:

Uh, legally there was some things that happened with some decisions

Dep Kirkland:

that the courts that started to restrict the ability of, uh, experts

Dep Kirkland:

to testify about certain things.

Dep Kirkland:

And, and they went into that fourth trial, uh, with a, a brand new case that the

Dep Kirkland:

judge had to interpret from the Georgia Supreme court and interpreted it in a way

Dep Kirkland:

that I thought was even more restrictive than the court asked him to do.

Dep Kirkland:

Which meant that the, uh, expert testimony from the people in the crime

Dep Kirkland:

lab and the firearms experts and the head forensic guy from there, they, they

Dep Kirkland:

were, they couldn't draw a conclusion.

Dep Kirkland:

So he basically couldn't walk the jury through the, through this

Dep Kirkland:

evidence that we've talked about.

Dep Kirkland:

They couldn't talk about why the hand being here with the blood

Dep Kirkland:

being here and not there matters why the time who matters, why the

Dep Kirkland:

sequence of the shots are different.

Dep Kirkland:

There was the last, the last shot was, was fired through Hanford's back after he was

Dep Kirkland:

face down on the floor, he's already dead.

Dep Kirkland:

The third shot went straight through his, back into the floor.

Dep Kirkland:

And I was there when they dug the bullet out of the floor.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

All right.

Dep Kirkland:

He claimed that he was behind his desk the entire time.

Dep Kirkland:

That is not possible.

Dep Kirkland:

You would have to bend a bullet in flight for that to happen.

Dep Kirkland:

For sure.

Dep Kirkland:

You have to have somebody explain that to him.

Dep Kirkland:

Now I think you do, or I, or I think if you're relying on the experts to do it,

Dep Kirkland:

if you're relying on your expert to draw all those diagrams and you end up at the

Dep Kirkland:

last second, not having them be to do that and you aren't prepared to do it, then I

Dep Kirkland:

think that's what happened in that case.

Dep Kirkland:

I think he, he seemed a little more, you know, less threatening and they didn't

Dep Kirkland:

have the expert testimony they needed.

Dep Kirkland:

The detective was not allowed to walk the jury through the case and

Dep Kirkland:

to see the evidence as it appeared and to say, what here's this.

Dep Kirkland:

Now I did talk to the court reporter, as I told you.

Dep Kirkland:

And I said, what do you think Barb?

Dep Kirkland:

She said, I'll tell you what I've always thought about that case.

Dep Kirkland:

And if I had it, I wish I had it.

Dep Kirkland:

I would put it up on the screen.

Dep Kirkland:

I show it to you.

Dep Kirkland:

The, the, the, the image of that chair planted on his pants

Dep Kirkland:

leg and halfway up his body.

Dep Kirkland:

She said, my opinion has always been that you could have

Dep Kirkland:

taken that photo and blown it.

Dep Kirkland:

And hung it in the courtroom and rested your case.

Dep Kirkland:

Now you didn't.

Dep Kirkland:

And what happens is if you don't, you try to explain things, it becomes complicated.

Dep Kirkland:

Complication is the friend of the defense.

Dep Kirkland:

The more complicated it is, the more places they can find reasonable doubt.

Dep Kirkland:

But she said, look, there's no way to explain that chair.

Dep Kirkland:

She sat through four trials.

Dep Kirkland:

She said he can't be explained and they still let him go.

Dep Kirkland:

I said, do you know why she said, I think it's because he just had been later,

Dep Kirkland:

it was in Augusta and he just didn't look like he was all that threatening

Dep Kirkland:

and they just decided to cut him loose.

Collier Landry:

Um, that's fascinating.

Collier Landry:


Dep Kirkland:

want to tell you this just one, one tidbit.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

Uh, I don't know if it's 30 days later or 60 days later.

Dep Kirkland:

Um, it was founded in his, in his, in the same study where he was shot hands fruit.

Dep Kirkland:

He had a heart attack.

Dep Kirkland:

He fell dead across the threshold of that.

Dep Kirkland:

Wearing nothing but a t-shirt and apparently had been entertaining

Dep Kirkland:

some guests of his that evening before, because they were cocktail

Dep Kirkland:

glasses around here and there.

Dep Kirkland:

And apparently after he dropped dead, they didn't stick around.

Dep Kirkland:

That was the life he led eventually.

Dep Kirkland:

Eventually, I guess he, uh, yeah.

Collier Landry:

Uh, that's fascinating.

Collier Landry:

We have been speaking with Deb Kirkland.

Collier Landry:

He is the author of lawyer games after midnight in the

Collier Landry:

garden of good and evil depth.

Collier Landry:

Uh, thank you so much for joining us.

Collier Landry:

Uh, fascinating, fascinating story.

Collier Landry:


Dep Kirkland:

glad to be with you.

Dep Kirkland:


Dep Kirkland:

So there's a lot to it.

Dep Kirkland:

I'm sorry.

Dep Kirkland:

It can go on as bar in Brisbane and we'll tell you, there is that's the

Dep Kirkland:

tip of the iceberg about this case and everything could happen, but absurd.

Dep Kirkland:

Oh, no.

Dep Kirkland:

When I get called in the middle of the night, four o'clock in the morning to

Dep Kirkland:

go to, uh, she come down here for a minute who knew it was going to turn

Dep Kirkland:

into this and who knew who was going to turn into this tourist tsunami.

Dep Kirkland:

And it's in the Gulf, Savannah still to this day.

Dep Kirkland:

People still go to that house.

Dep Kirkland:

And then, uh, and then they'll go to the bookstore nearby and they get my

Dep Kirkland:

book and they get, uh, Barron's book.

Dep Kirkland:

And, uh, they are told, they said, look, if you go to the house and you

Dep Kirkland:

care about the Williams case, you need to read the original midnight.

Dep Kirkland:

And you've got to read this book besides it's got the companion.

Dep Kirkland:

It's got the photos.

Dep Kirkland:


Collier Landry:

well, uh, again, thank you so much.

Collier Landry:

Step Kirkland.

Collier Landry:

Uh, it's been an honor to talk to you.

Collier Landry:

That was a really interesting conversation with Deb.

Collier Landry:

One of the reasons why I wanted to have him on the program is not only

Collier Landry:

because I really enjoy that movie midnight in the garden of good Knievel.

Collier Landry:

I remember seeing it in theaters long time ago, but also, uh,

Collier Landry:

you know, he seen a side of the law that not many of us get to.

Collier Landry:

I mean, we see these sort of dramas play out on television,

Collier Landry:

I suppose, or in our own fantasy worlds on a true crime podcast.

Collier Landry:

Maybe I don't know.

Collier Landry:

But for the most part, you know, he has an insider's look and it's tough

Collier Landry:

because it has me again, questioning our justice system in a way that I really

Collier Landry:

hadn't done before, because ultimately, if you look at it, my father was

Collier Landry:

convicted of the murder of my mother.

Collier Landry:

He did have a high power team of lawyers and he ultimately lost mostly because

Collier Landry:

of the impact of his 12 year old son.

Collier Landry:

But nonetheless.

Collier Landry:

However it does make me feel and think about the people who I've

Collier Landry:

interviewed on this program.

Collier Landry:

Like Melissa McKinnis, for example, who was in a couple episodes ago,

Collier Landry:

who still looking for justice for her son Danye Deon Jones, right.

Collier Landry:

And evidence being destroyed and things of that nature.

Collier Landry:

It's, it's heartbreaking.

Collier Landry:

So as much as I have, as much as I have respect for the justice system

Collier Landry:

and that I feel it serve me, it doesn't serve everyone in the same way.

Collier Landry:

And that's unfortunate.

Collier Landry:

And hopefully with conversations like these, we can begin to

Collier Landry:

change that narrative in this country and around the world.

Collier Landry:

Um, I mean, look, life is not fair.

Collier Landry:

It, sometimes it really sucks if life were fair.

Collier Landry:

Ultimately my mother would still be here.

Collier Landry:

She wouldn't have been murdered, but that's what it is.

Collier Landry:

I mean, it's.

Collier Landry:

It's tough, but, um, again, I want to hear from you guys, my listeners,

Collier Landry:

uh, thank you so much for tuning in.

Collier Landry:

I'm calling your Landry and this is moving past murder.

Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:


Collier Landry:

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Collier Landry:

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Collier Landry:

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