Fighting for Your Case when Homicide Detectives are Overwhelmed - Re-Broadcast

This is a Re-Broadcast of an earlier episode.
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When a child grows up fearing serial killers and even loses a young neighbor girl to a killer, it might start a lifelong trauma. In the case of Nina Innsted, the host of Already Gone, she let that fear fuel her desire to catch killers and find the victims who go missing. When the police couldn't do enough to solve missing person cases, Nina found ways to give her cases a better chance at being solved. Collier and Nina discover that's something they both have in common.
- Hear about the dark and deadly events that encouraged Nina to get involved in the world of true crime.
- What would've happened to Collier's mother's murder case had he not gotten involved to tip off the police and testify against his father?
- Collier and Nina reflect on the importance of being persistent in solving criminal cases.
- Serial killers never brought to justice: Nina shares her personal story growing up in an area terrorized by murderers who were never identified.
- What are the first steps you should take when a loved one goes missing, specifically a teenager?
- Nina has several essential pieces of advice she's picked up working for the missing person association, Missing In Michigan.
- The disgusting world of private investigators and others who take advantage of desperate families searching for missing loved ones or answers to unsolved criminal cases.
- Be wary of those just out to make a buck off your tragedy.
- For the families and friends left behind after someone is murdered, do they ever truly find closure?
- When does the story end? Nina breaks down what she's discovered.
YouTube link to this episode:
Nina's missing person association:
Her podcast: Already Gone
Her website:
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Moving Past Murder is passionate about examining not only the collateral damage of violence and its traumatic repercussions but the beauty of human strength and resilience through seemingly insurmountable odds.
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