April 30, 2021

Murder? Self Defense?: Todd Blevins' wife Rebecca E. Harris Blevins arrested for his murder in Lexington, Ohio on April 27th

Murder? Self Defense?: Todd Blevins' wife Rebecca E. Harris Blevins arrested for his murder in Lexington, Ohio on April 27th

Todd Blevins...murder or Self-Defense?

Collier and Brenda discuss the April 27th arrest of Rebecca E. Harris Blevins for the murder of her husband Todd Blevins in Lexington, Ohio, a suburb of Collier's hometown of Mansfield.

As some pointed out on Social Media, the details of the case share similarities with the murder of Collier's own mother by his father, Dr. John F. Boyle, Jr. Those include the body of Mr. Blevins being buried in the basement of his home and the accused being charged with "abuse of a corpse".

Collier suspects that perhaps domestic violence had played a part in this tragedy and that maybe this murder is a case of self defense gone horribly wrong.

More concerning to both Collier and Brenda are the children, who are most certain to be without both of their parents for the better part of their lives.

YouTube Episode link: https://youtu.be/P0So0uoUPSA


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Moving Past Murder is passionate about examining not only the collateral damage of violence and its traumatic repercussions but the beauty of human strength and resilience through seemingly insurmountable odds. 

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