The Collier Landry Show Podcast

Just finished watching MIM…

I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through. I’ve endured a narcissistic mother, abusive siblings and was the scapegoat daughter on the bottom. If we weren’t at eachother’s throats, that woman was not happy. She helped my narcopath husband destroy me down to the very dirt I stood on. She enjoyed it. She is dead now, and she passed without us ever speaking. My daughter nor I wanted anything to do with such a horrid person, I have to give you credit Collier for ever wanting to communicate with that man. I see so much of him in my mother and ex-husband, making it easy to believe them. These people are sick degenerates that destroy lives and its only realized after the destruction. You have done well for yourself, at 56 I am just now picking up the pieces for the last time. We’ve moved and there’s no way he’ll ever be in our lives again. God bless you, and keep your head up.

June 17, 2022 by ChasingDreams on Apple Podcasts

The Collier Landry Show Podcast

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