Oct. 7, 2022

Surviving Narcissism and a Murder in Mansfield with Dr. Dennis Marikis - Re-Broadcast

Surviving Narcissism and a Murder in Mansfield with Dr. Dennis Marikis - Re-Broadcast

Dr. Dennis Marikis was Collier's psychologist in the days after his mother’s body was discovered. Collier was 11 years old when Dennis helped him process the trauma of his mother's murder by his father, Dr. John F. Boyle, Jr. Dennis was featured in the documentary A Murder in Mansfield. His extensive sessions with Collier, both before and after Collier confronts his father in prison, gave audiences a "fly-on-the-wall" look at a grieving son still processing this horrific event 26 years later.

Episode highlights...

• After a recent listener question, Collier briefly shares his experience in the foster care system and touches upon the challenges the system faces.

• Dennis shares when he met Collier, the day police recovered his mother's body. “This amazing 11-year-old was clear and defined…it’s just who you are…..fortitude built-in..” when we build resilience, we do it by facing tough stuff."

• Collier and Dennis discuss how others can learn from Collier's experiences while they process their own traumas.

• Dennis shares his advice on how people can recognize and deal with narcissists and the manipulation tactics they impose on their lives.

YouTube link to this episode: https://youtu.be/EB7Fmfca9z0

AFTER THE EPISODE LIVE Q&A with host Collier Landry!

TUESDAY'S 11 am PT/2 pm ET on IG LIVE @collierlandry


Moving Past Murder is passionate about examining not only the collateral damage of violence and its traumatic repercussions but the beauty of human strength and resilience through seemingly insurmountable odds. 

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