July 1, 2022

The Pleasure Predators Seek: Exploring Ghislaine Maxwell's Crime

The Pleasure Predators Seek: Exploring Ghislaine Maxwell's Crime

Ghislaine Maxwell, the convicted assistant to infamous sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein, was just sentenced to 20 years in prison for her role in ruining the lives of countless girls. Collier discusses the narcissism that runs through Maxwell's actions and her defense. Collier also reflects on the similarities his own father shares with criminals, like Maxwell.

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  • Collier breaks down why there should be no sympathy for people like Ghislaine Maxwell. He explains how people, even from affluent and privileged backgrounds, can turn to a life of horrendous crime.
  • Doubling down on their crimes and mistakes: why convicted sex offenders and violent criminals often believe they've done nothing wrong.
  • Grooming children takes all sorts of forms, but the main premise is someone coercing kids to do what they want. Collier describes how he believes his father was trying to groom him in an effort for Collier to take back his testimony that put his father in jail.
  • In her testimony, Ghislaine Maxwell attempted to make herself look like the victim, without recognizing the real victims - all of the innocent girls she helped sexually traffic. Collier shares a letter from his father to show the striking similarity between criminals.
  • How do you deal with a narcissist parent? The trauma they inflict on their children is horrible, but as Collier explains, the trauma they inflict on others can be even worse

Click to read FULL Transcript

Click to listen to Daniela Miller's Episode on "Predators I've Caught" with Chris Hansen

AFTER THE EPISODE LIVE Q&A with host Collier Landry!

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Moving Past Murder is passionate about examining not only the collateral damage of violence and its traumatic repercussions but the beauty of human strength and resilience through seemingly insurmountable odds. 

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