Directed by: Collier Landry & Cerina Da Graca, DoP: Collier Landry
Starring: David Dastmalchian, Nikki Tomlinson and Cerina da Graca
This film was shot, edited and delivered in 4 hours. The script was selected by the Dances with Films Festival as a part of their '2 Minute, 2 Step Short Film Challenge'. The '2 Minute, 2 Step Short Film Challenge' brings together 6 filmmaking teams together as they are each given 4 hours to shoot and edit a 2 minute film. Canon was the official sponsor, and graciously lent us a pair of their new c300 cameras, along with a fleet of lenses to shoot on.
'Love is an Elevator' stars David Dastmalchian, Nikki Tomlinson and Cerina De Graca.