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Convicted Murderer Alex Murdaugh Update: Media placed on “embargo” as first of twelve jurors testify under oath … Murdaugh is now appealing those convictions. Still, that process is on hold as his attorneys – led by Dick Harpootlian and Jim Griffin – seek a new trial based on the alleged jury tampering. An evidentiary hearing into these allegations is set to commence on Monday (January 29, 2024). All of the jurors at South Carolina’s ‘Trial of the Century’ have been summoned to testify at that proceeding, but the former foreperson – rumored to be a longtime friend of former Colleton County clerk of court Becky Hill – was unavailable to attend on that date due to what the court described as a previously scheduled “bible study” vacation.

Accordingly, all parties consented to allow this juror – No. 826 – to appear on Friday to give their testimony. Moments before the hearing began, former S.C. chief justice Jean Toal – who has been tasked with presiding over these proceedings – addressed media members with an extraordinary request aimed at curtailing their reporting.

Citing the “unprecedented” nature of the case, Toal asked all media outlets covering the hearing to refrain from reporting on the question-and-answer portion of the foreperson’s testimony until the court convened next week – and to refrain from publishing any information whatsoever about the juror’s gender.

Toal referred to this as an “embargo” of the juror’s testimony. According to Toal, her objective in requesting this embargo was to keep the other Murdaugh jurors – whom she indicated have been following this case “assiduously” – from being prejudiced by news reports. She also requested (but did not order) the foreperson’s attorney – lawyer/ podcaster Eric Bland – to refrain from sharing details about his client’s testimony with the other four Murdaugh jurors he represents.