Moving Past Murder - Episode #25 - February 18, 2022
Disclaimer: This episode contains mature topics and includes graphic conversations about incest and sexual abuse. Viewer discretion is advised.
Named one of LinkedIn's 50 Most Impactful People of 2021, child sexual assault survivor-turned-thriver Nancy Barrows M.S. CCC-SLP is using her personal story to change the narrative on how we look, discuss and treat child sexual abuse, both here in the United States and around the world
Episode Highlights:
- Nancy shares with us her personal story of being assaulted starting at the age of four, and how her family was forced to confront the abuse after years of "being in the dark".
- Using her fierce resilience, combined with the love and understanding of her family, Nancy was able to confront her demons of an eating disorder and get off the hamster wheel of guilt and shame that so often survivors find impossible to disengage from.
- Collier shares the similarities between Nancy's trauma and his own dealing with the murder of his mother by his father.
-Nancy and Collier share a "knowing" moment, the point at which you can recognize trauma in others because you've been through so much.
According to the CDC, child sexual abuse is a significant but preventable public health problem. Many children wait to report or never report child sexual abuse. Although estimates vary across studies, the latest data shows:
-About 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys experience child sexual abuse at some point in childhood.
-91% of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by someone the child or child’s family knows.
-The total lifetime economic burden of child sexual abuse in the United States in 2015 was estimated to be at least $9.3 billion. Although this is likely an underestimate of the true impact of the problem since child sexual abuse is underreported.
-The prevalence of child sexual abuse is difficult to determine because it is often not reported; experts agree that the incidence is far greater than what is reported to authorities.
If you or someone you know is suffering from or is the victim of sexual abuse, please use the following resources to seek assistance.
Resources I mentioned:
National Sexual Assault Hotline: Available 24 hours 1-800-656-4673
Connect with Nancy Barrows here:
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Moving Past Murder is passionate about examining not only the collateral damage of violence and its traumatic repercussions but the beauty of human strength and resilience through seemingly insurmountable odds.
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*This podcast contains colorful language that some of our listeners might consider NSFW...even when working from home.