July 8, 2022

Your Mind in the Middle of a Mass-Shooting: a Survivor's Lesson

Your Mind in the Middle of a Mass-Shooting: a Survivor's Lesson

Trigger Warning: This video contains a discussion of sensitive topics including gun violence, mass shootings, and surviving those violent incidents. If you are triggered in any way, please stop the video and seek counseling from a mental health professional.

America is suffering through a bloody and ongoing epidemic; one for which there is no vaccine. In this week's episode, we're analyzing mass shootings and speaking to a woman who survived the worst mass shooting in US history with her children. You may have thought about what you would do during a mass shooting, but what do you do after? Physical wounds aren't the only wounds bullets can cause. As we hear, mental trauma can create scars that last a lifetime.

  • Listen to the first-hand account of Stacie Armentrout. She was injured but lived through the Las Vegas mass shooting in 2017. To this day, the bloodshed at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Vegas was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. After the lone gunman stopped firing, 58 people were dead, and more than a staggering 850 were injured. Stacie was in the middle of it with her daughters.
  • What do you think in the middle of shooting may not be what your body lets you do. "Fight or flight" isn't always something you have physical control over.
  • "Locks are for honest people." Collier and Stacie discuss the bloodlust killers have, and question what can be done to stop these people beforehand.
  • Could you be going to work every day and sitting next to a potential mass murderer and not know it? Do you know the signs to look for? Stacie and Collier explore the importance of making those answers more mainstream.
  • Shootings and traumatic events can trigger emotional breakdowns in survivors. Hear why Stacie says it's okay to experience those feelings, and why it's essential to acknowledge that sometimes we can't control everything.

Victim's First Website: https://www.victimsfirst.org/

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AFTER THE EPISODE LIVE Q&A with host Collier Landry!

TUESDAY'S 11 am PT/2 pm ET on IG LIVE @collierlandry

Follow Collier Landry on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/collierlandry

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APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/moving-past-murder/id1551076031

*This podcast contains colorful language that some of our listeners might consider NSFW...even when working from home.

AFTER THE EPISODE LIVE Q&A with host Collier Landry!

TUESDAY'S 11 am PT/2 pm ET on IG LIVE @collierlandry


Moving Past Murder is passionate about examining not only the collateral damage of violence and its traumatic repercussions but the beauty of human strength and resilience through seemingly insurmountable odds. 

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Follow Collier Landry on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/collierlandry

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/collierlandry

Thanks for watching! Like what you see? 👉🏻 Subscribe!  👈🏻

SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/465s4vsFcogvKIynNRcvGf?si=tkQMOIpFSXO2-xSLNjp3KQ


APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/moving-past-murder/id1551076031