The Collier Landry Show Podcast

Season 1

June 14, 2021

AFTER THE UPRISING co-creator Ray Nowosielski on the death of Danyé J…

Ray Nowosielski joins the podcast to talk about After the Uprising, his NEW project with iHeart Radio and NowThis premiering June 15, 2021. Ray, producer on Collier's A Murder in Mansfield waxes all things true crime with Col...

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May 31, 2021

My Story Part Two...the next day.. RE-BROADCAST

The morning after my 11-year-old self was jolted from my sleep on December 31, 1989, to the sound of a scream followed by two loud thuds, I come downstairs to confront my father. When I demanded my father answer a simple ques...

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May 21, 2021

The beginning of the end: 11 year old Collier Boyle witnesses the mur…

New Year's Eve 1989...the beginning of the end... 11-year-old Collier Boyle witnesses the murder of his mother... by his father. Collier Landry and Brenda Fisher discuss the night that changed Collier's life and family foreve...

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May 14, 2021

Collier's Father celebrates his 78th Birthday in prison; Finding one'…

Collier Landry and Brenda Fisher discuss: -The arrest of John Henry Mack for the kidnapping and murder of Melinda Kay Davis, and how he is now facing the death penalty. -The supportive family of Todd Blevins reached out via C...

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May 7, 2021

Diary of a Sociopath: Collier's father romanticizes falling in love …

Collier Landry and Brenda Fisher discuss as Collier reads his father's letter from prison in which he romanticizes how he met and fell in love with Collier's mother. The letter concludes with his father blaming the "Mansfield...

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April 30, 2021

Murder? Self Defense?: Todd Blevins' wife Rebecca E. Harris Blevins a…

Todd Blevins...murder or Self-Defense? Collier and Brenda discuss the April 27th arrest of Rebecca E. Harris Blevins for the murder of her husband Todd Blevins in Lexington, Ohio, a suburb of Collier's hometown of Mansfield. ...

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March 31, 2021

FUGITIVE ON THE RUN IN LOS ANGELES! Dave Messmore, retired Captain of…

Collier Landry and Brenda Fisher discuss with special guest retired police Captain Dave Messmore, Mansfield Police Department, about the manhunt currently underway for fugitive LESTER EUBANKS in Los Angeles, CA. Eubanks has ...

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March 25, 2021

LOCAL TRAGEDY Melinda Davis' murder resonates w/ Collier's own mother…

Collier Landry and Brenda Fisher discuss the tragic discovery of the body of Melinda Kay Davis, mother of four, on March 14, 2021, in Galloway, Ohio. Davis' ex-boyfriend, John Henry Mack, Jr., had been charged with kidnapping...

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March 16, 2021

COLLIER'S STORY, Pt. 3: What it's like to be a child witness at your …

Collier Landry and Brenda Fisher discuss the days around his father's murder trial. After his father, Dr. John F. Boyle, Jr., was arrested, Collier was thrown into the foster care system, where he would stay until non-famil...

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March 1, 2021

COLLIER'S STORY, Pt. 2: The Next Day......

Collier Landry and Brenda Fisher discuss Collier being removed from his home by Child Protective Services, the police finding his mother's body underneath the basement floor of the home his father purchased for his mistress. ...

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Jan. 1, 2021

Moving Past Murder Trailer

I'm Collier Landry, subject of the Investigation Discovery documentary 'A Murder in Mansfield'. On NYE 1989, I awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of 2 loud thuds. The next morning, when my mother was missing, I k...

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