The Collier Landry Show Podcast


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Thanks for sharing
Thank you for sharing your life with all of us. You definitely have a guardian angel watching over you 💗your Mom would be proud of you for all you have done.

Great Podcast
C, I’m really enjoying your show. What an amazing person you are. Your mom is very proud.

One of the absolute best!
I love this podcast so much! Collier Landry is such an amazing, articulate, thoughtful man. And despite what he experienced he shares his story with honesty and even a sense of humor at times. It’s really quite remarkable. His mother would be sooooo proud of him both professionally and personally. And he seems like a very cool guy!!

Amazing Podcast!
Love Collier’s interviews! Collier does a great job at interviewing guest. As a guest myself, he really makes you feel comfortable talking about such sensitive subjects. Always waiting for the next episode!

Great Podcast
This is one of my new favorite podcasts. I am so glad I came across this show. Collier is so down to earth. Love it!

Inspiring and courageous Collier!
Heard your story and mY heart ached for little Collier. But your mom would have been so proud of you. You are my mom’s hero and she is your angel. She walks with you. X

Australia is missing out
Great podcast Collier. Thank you for sharing. I love your positive attitude and transparency that the podcasts helps you heal. But I can’t get access to A Murder in Mansfield. Any chance of releasing it for Australian audiences?

All around excellence
From Collier’s engagement with his audience and his guests to the way in which he speaks to the guest’s with such compassion and care (even the way he shows compassion and care when he reads comments or letters or questions from his audience is refreshing and heart warming and shows how wonderful of a human being Collier is) to the interesting subject matter of each episode of MPM , the show is a top notch podcast that is all around throughly entertaining, insightful, and educational.

Please turn down the background music!
I love your podcast. I want to hear the words. The music brings a bit of anxiousness though. I can’t hear the speaker. When the music stops between tracks, it’s PERFECT!

Sending love
I love your positive attitude and perseverance even with the tragedy you suffered losing your mom. Thank you for sharing your story.

Fascinating, courageous and encouraging
I’m new to the podcast and arrived via TikTok. The topic, Collier’s delivery, the story and tragedy are all what makes the podcast so good. I am so taken by all of it, and I’ll be using this case in upcoming courses I teach at a D1 university this fall. I highly recommend it not only for learning about the events of the case and the sad end result, but also the courage of a young boy and a detective that didn’t give up. It is a study of humanity on every level. People who have lost a loved one to murder can look to Collier and see that it is possible to survive and flourish.

I love you!!!
I love the bell out of you. I appreciate your vulnerability and humor.

Real life!
I have been listening from the beginning and Collier just keeps getting better! He is so honest and open about his life! I know he has a huge impact on other victims. I get so excited when I get a notification about a new episode and listen right away! Keep up the amazing work your doing!

Just finished watching MIM…
I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through. I’ve endured a narcissistic mother, abusive siblings and was the scapegoat daughter on the bottom. If we weren’t at eachother’s throats, that woman was not happy. She helped my narcopath husband destroy me down to the very dirt I stood on. She enjoyed it. She is dead now, and she passed without us ever speaking. My daughter nor I wanted anything to do with such a horrid person, I have to give you credit Collier for ever wanting to communicate with that man. I see so much of him in my mother and ex-husband, making it easy to believe them. These people are sick degenerates that destroy lives and its only realized after the destruction. You have done well for yourself, at 56 I am just now picking up the pieces for the last time. We’ve moved and there’s no way he’ll ever be in our lives again. God bless you, and keep your head up.

News Year’s eve..
Just started this podcast an it is absolutely great..

Great Podcast. Definitely recommend. Look forward to the next episode

Courage and Resilience
We all desperately need God-given courage and resilience to make it through life and all the unexpected challenges we all face, and Collier’s story of extreme courage and resilience began for him as a young child. He made a comment in his pod cast regarding his worry as a child being biologically tied to his father, but I would estimate his mom’s genes shine over and blot out on any darkness lurking from his dad. Aiding him in telling his very admirable story of courage and resilience is his great speaking voice and his co host who makes it a conversation and not a script.

Love this podcast
I found you on TikTok and was so intrigued by your story. I just found your podcast today and I am hooked. Incredible voice too by the way!

Appreciate your vulnerability and humor!
It’s amazing to me how level headed and “normal” you are after all you’ve been through. You have definitely come out on top. I love the way you honor your mom and speak so highly of the parents that raised you after the tragedy. Your mom sounds like a remarkable woman! I’m sure you are a lot like her, because you’re nothing like your bio father.

Aussie Admirer
A great podcast, and admire Collier for telling not just his true story but, giving other people the chance to tell their story. Thank you 🙏🏼🤍🕊

Thank you
Such a great podcast. Thank you for sharing your story and expanding the podcast. Good work.

Awesome true crime pod!
A must for fans of the genre!

One in a million
I stumbled on this podcast on mind platform and i felt this compassion. Can any young person do what Collier did nowadays? His love for his mom is still strong. This experience made him a better and matured man. He abhorred crime and stood his ground. This is also an inspirational story as he passed through a lot but never gave up. This is one in a million podcast. Thanks for this!

Collier is an amazing person, who truly wants to help !
I have had the opportunity to work with Collier on his podcast. He truly wants to help others. If you have a story to share I highly recommend reaching out to him!

Wow - so unique
Collier is raw and brave, as everyone else mentions in the reviews. But the thing that strikes me most about this show is his stunning self-awareness and seemingly undamaged perspective. Similar to the work of Tara Westover, author of Auto-bio Educated, the level of unbiased deep description is impossible not to be impressed by! Definitely worth a subscribe - for all the reasons.

This is a fascinating story and an inspirational listen. Can’t wait to binge listen to ALL the episodes!

Brave and raw
I couldn’t stop listening. Absolutely insane story and truly appreciate Collier sharing his story with the world.

Truly inspiring
Collier is a riveting storyteller. Sharing his story and his triumph over such adversity is truly inspiring. Such a story of resilience.

Collier is an inspiration
I was raised in Shelby Ohio which is right near Mansfield and I remember watching Collier testify and I thought what an amazing kid because I don’t think another child could do what he did for his mother. Collier is one amazing young man and I just adore him

Excellent, riveting, insightful, moving educational podcast and documentary
Most moving, insightful, raw, honest, brave, educational, helpful podcast and documentary I’ve ever listened to/watched. Thank you for opening yourself up to share your very difficult and complicated story in an effort to help yourself at the same time as helping others; mission accomplished as far as helping others, and it appears it is helping you, too, thank goodness. Please continue with more episodes and seasons as you are peeling an onion, making great progress, but have more to uncover, I truly believe. It is helping me as I peel the onion of my own narcissistic and sociopathic father who passed away 8 months ago. Your story and insight are helping more than anything else I’ve heard, read, or watched, and I am sure there are countless others that feel the same way. Well done. Thank you. Prayers for your journey.